I finally stopped talking about getting a blog, and actually got one! (with much help from my wonderful husband Alex.)
Blogging is an interesting concept, because you are writing without knowing who your intended audience is, besides random people on the internet. Writing without knowing who your audience is feels very freeing but also quite constraining. I may edit myself one way if I know a certain person will be reading this, and a very different way if I knew someone else were to read it. So with that in mind, I have decided to make this blog a very transparent view of my life....well, as transparent as I can get on the internet.
These are the things that are on my mind:
- What else can I do for my students to get them engaged in learning, and enjoy it?! I feel overwhelmed by the amount of apathy and anger my students bring with them to school every day. I care about them so much and desperately want the best for them.
- I turn 22 in 20 days!
- I graduate College May 8th. Wow that is close.
- I have lost 6.4 pounds in the past three weeks. I joined weight watchers 4 weeks ago and I absolutely love it. I have quite a road ahead of myself if I plan to get my weight into the healthy BMI range, but I am super psyched about it.
- I miss traveling. I miss Uganda. I miss my kiddos there.
I think I want to end my blog posts with a funny story about my students, and an encouraging Bible verse.
No matter how much education you receive, and how confident you are in your teaching ability, nothing prepares you for what kind of action you should take when one of your students stands up, walks over to another student, puts his butt up against the other student, looks at you, and lets out the loudest, juiciest fart you've ever heard. :) (To be honest, I tried to be mad but couldn't contain my laughter. Luckily the boys are pretty much best friends, so they laughed too and got over it quickly)
Ephesians 4: 29- Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give
grace to those who hear.